Be well in all ways ❥

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In 2007, I moved to Washington DC for graduate school to pursue a degree in community counseling.  My goal at the time was to open a private practice and help others through outpatient therapy.  My first job after graduating in 2009 was with the family business, supporting underserved families through counseling.  After 5 years of providing in home counseling services, I was burnt out and needed more work life balance.  I took a job supporting the same population in the school setting and was a bartender in the evening.  

During that transition, I met the love of my life.

He was also working 50-11 jobs.  We both loved fitness, friends, and a good time because balance! 10 months later, we got a place together in the city working hard and playing harder.  I transitioned jobs again and while remaining in the school setting, I began supporting adults pursuing their high school diploma.  I support adults daily in finding the resources they need to establish a balance between their busy lives and their individual journeys to better themselves.  

In 2016, Jason and I found out we were expecting a child.

To say we were surprised and ill prepared would be an understatement.  My pregnancy gave me the opportunity to get clear on prioritizing the life I wanted for our family.  In 2017, I started a Mommy blog, got engaged to Jason, bought a house, and earned a promotion at my job.  While fitness, family, friends, and fun remain at my core, my little one, Bean, continues to keep me intentional about my wellness. In 2018, I transitioned to a plant based diet, married Jason, and we continue to navigate life on our terms (although Bean is the real boss).  

In 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, I pulled the trigger on a wellness lifestyle brand, Traci Denise.  My goal is to share my journey, provide information to make sustainable choices, and celebrate life, so that we can all Be Well in All Ways.  

It has been quite the journey, but I know I’m just getting started! 

Motherhood. Wife. Wellness.

The fun stuff

Random facts about me


When I was a kid

I wanted to be Oprah!

I would broadcast live from family vacations like a journalist.  I’m still an Oprah fan, by the way.


In most sports,

I am a lefty.

My Dad couldn’t stand the idea of me growing up trying to find left-handed school desks and “retrained” me to be right-handed.  If it’s a sport that requires swinging, I am most comfortable swinging on my left side!


My favorite sport to watch is


My favorite sport to play is tennis.



Random dance parties in my house

are definitely a thing.


Simple pleasures..

Mowing the lawn feels like vacuuming outside.

And I enjoy them both!